Dates to Remember

The Executive Committee had approved the following:

  • IMPCB to hold
    (a) Part I examinations (General Medical Physics),
    (b) Part II (Specialty: Radiation Oncology Physics) examinations,
    (c) Part II (Specialty: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiological Physics) examinations, and
    (d) Part III (Oral in both specialties: Radiation Oncology Physics, and Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiological Physics) examinations
    for individual medical physicists in October 2019.
  • The Part I examinations (General Medical Physics) was on Tuesday, October 22 at 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. All 27 candidates took the exams.
  • The Part II examinations was on Wednesday, October 23 at 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for Radiation Oncology Physics and for Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiological Physics. All 19 candidates took the Part II exams – 7 in RO and 12 in Dx.
  • The Part III examinations were at appointed times on October 24th. Eleven of the twelve candidates took the exams. Note: Candidates were given 3-hour appointments by Dr Siyong Kim early September
  • Deadline for expressing interest to take the exam:  August 19, 2019.
  • Deadline for submission of application: September 2nd, 2019.
  • If need visa application help applicants were informed to apply before July 25 – Assistance not available after August 28.