The following is for candidates taking the Examinations in Mexico City on September 8 and 9, 2018

  • The exams will be held in
    Sala Angel Dacal, Edif Colisiones, 1er piso
    Instituto de Fisica
    Ciudad Universitaria UNAM
    04511 Coyoacán
    Mexico City
  • “04511 Coyoacán” is the address of the main entrance to UNAM. This will be the entrance by car on Sunday, all other gates will be closed. However, on Saturday all other gates are open.
  • The street where the Instituto de Fisica buildings located is Circuito Investigación Científica s/n. The name of the building is Edificio Colisiones. Parking is available at Estacionamiento del Instituto de Física.
  • Please proceed to the room: Ángel Dacal Room, 1st floor, Institute of Physics.
  • Part I will be on Saturday morning, September 8 from 9:00 – noon, and Part II on Sunday morning, September 9 from 09:00 – noon. You will have up to three hours to complete each examination.
  • Please arrive at the site at least 30 minutes before the examination time and check in with the proctor.
  • The responsible persons on site are Dr. Carmel Caruanna and Dr. Maria-Ester Brandan.
  • You will be asked to provide your Candidate Number, your name, and a government-issued photo identification document indicated in your application.
  • Please refer to the letter of Dr Siyong Kim for the Candidate Number. Please bring the letter with you.
  • Please bring a few pencils and a good eraser for use to answer multiple choice questions.
  • Programmable calculators, cell phones, and smart watches are NOT allowed. Non-programmable scientific calculators and old style watches are acceptable.
  • As a reminder to you about the Examination Rules, please refer to the Agreement Document you have signed.
  • Your will be given further instructions at the site.