Other details for the Trieste exams in December will be available before early October 2019
Other details for the Doha Qatar exams in October will be available before late August 2019
Other details for the Santiago Chile exams in September will be available before mid July 2019
The following is for candidates taking the Vienna Austria exams in June 20 and 21, 2019
- The exams will be held in Building M, room MOE07 or MOE12 (new rooms assigned), Vienna International Centre (VIC), Wagramer Str. 5, 1400 Vienna, Austria. The VIC can be reached with the U-Bahn by taking the line U1 (marked in red on city maps) towards Leopoldau and getting off at the station Kaisermühlen-Vienna International Centre. Use the VIC exit, not the Austria Centre Vienna exit.
- In order to ensure access to the Vienna International Centre and issuance of a grounds pass, all participants must be pre-registered. Please use the Online Pre-Registration to register.
- This takes a few steps: (a) register as a user, (b) go to your email to activate the account created by clicking activate, and (c) go back to the Online Pre-Registration link above to complete the Conference Registration. (d) after registration you will have observer status but not necessarily an active participant of the iDos Symposium.
- On-site registration and issuance of ground pass will take place at the VIC, Gate 1. Only pre-registered visitors will have badges issued. Since Gate 1 may not open until 8 am, it is advisable to obtain your badge a day or two earlier.
- Part I will be on Thursday, June 20 at 8:00 to 11:00 am. in room MOE07, and Part II on Friday, June 21 afternoon at 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in MOE12.
- You will have up to three hours to complete each examination.
- Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the examination time and check in with the proctor.
- The responsible persons on site are
- You will be asked to provide your Candidate Number, your name, and a government-issued photo identification document indicated in your application.
- Please refer to the Final Details Letter of Dr Siyong Kim. Please bring the letter with you.
- Please bring a few pencils and a good eraser for use to answer multiple choice questions.
- Programmable calculators, cell phones, and smart watches are NOT allowed. Non-programmable scientific calculators and old style watches are acceptable.
- As a reminder to you about the Examination Rules, please refer to the Agreement Document you have signed.
- Your will be given further instructions at the site.