Background: The International Medical Physics Certification Board (IMPCB) has the objective to support the practice of medical physics through an accreditation programme for national/regional certification boards and an individual certification program for individuals where national certification systems are not available in accordance with the guidelines of the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP). The certification of individuals relies on the use of questions from a question bank which consists of questions from a variety of sources including National Certification Boards and Universities who kindly provided access to their data.
Objective: The main objective of the ExSC is to oversee and support running the written and oral examinations of individual candidates applying for IMPCB certification.
Additional roles are to inform the workings of the Question Bank Working Group (QBWG), develop criteria for questions to be included in the question bank and determine passing rates for written exams.
Specific tasks:
Structure and reporting: The ExSC is a subcommittee of the IMPCB Accreditation Committee.
Membership: The ExSC consists of six to nine members who are nominated by IMPCB officers, board members, committee members or office holders. They will be selected by AC and appointed by the chair of AC after approval through the IMPCB Executive Committee (EXCOM). The members will consist of:
When nominating and selecting members the subspecialties and regional representation should be considered. Members must sign a confidentiality undertaking document prior to being allowed to participate in ExSC business. AC will appoint a chair from the members.
For continuity reasons members are appointed for three years with two members changing every year if possible. Any member may serve not more than two (2) consecutive terms. Exceptions are allowed if approved by the BOD.
Meetings: The ExSC will convene at least once a year. Meetings and most business will be conducted by email and other electronic means as deemed appropriate by the chair. Effectiveness of the meetings will be reviewed annually.